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     Wondering If You've Written Your Best Book?
          Find Out With A Manuscript Evaluation 


You've poured your heart and soul into your non-fiction or fiction book or memoir but you know that you've taken it as far as you can on your own. You may feel like you're writing and editing in circles and not making any substantive progress, can't see the forest for the trees (no perspective) or feel burnt out by the whole process.


That's when an objective point of view and effective, targeted  feedback from an editing professional is the best thing you can do to move forward with your book. This is true whether you need to submit your finished manuscript to your publisher, query agents or self-publish. 


A manuscript evaluation involves looking at the big picture and deciding if the book works as a whole and the smaller but just as important details, like the content of individual chapters.


A manuscript evaluation isn't any type of edit. Instead, think of it as a house call by a book doctor who diagnoses the problem, and gives you effective remedies to help make your manuscript (and you) feel better.  


Once you've had a professional editorial assessment of your manuscript, you too will have a big picture and smallest detail point-of-view, which will free you to revise, polish and perfect your book before you submit it to your publisher or self-publish. 


When you Book a Manuscript Evaluation You'll Get: 


  • A light mark-up in Track Changes with comments and highlighted text to indicate suggested edits. 

  • For non-fiction: A 5 page editorial letter analyzing your idea, method or plan, structure and content. 

  • For fiction: a 5 page editorial letter analyzing your plot and pacing, characters, structure, and storytelling. 

  • A one-hour follow-up phone or ZOOM call to discuss your questions and next steps. 

  • A recording of our call for you to refer to as you revise. 




$2,000 for up to 80,000 words 

$500 for each additional 10,000 words 


Time Frame: 


4-6 weeks, depending on complexity and length. 








Click Here to Book Your Manuscript Evaluation: 

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